A collection of storiesCover: Akahoshi JakeInsertion of foreign objects, urethral play, transvestite cosplay, messing around with nipples, peeing etc.: •???????? by Pii •??????????? by Moriyo •????????????????? by Fujimako•?????????????? by Aoi Ren•?????????????? by Hiraeri•??????????? by Kasu •?????????? by Migino Mako•??????????? by Hanao•???????? Aishi no Chicchi by Hasumi Shiro•?????????? by Taratsumi John•??????????? by Yoshidaya Roku•?GO FIGHT WIN!? by meco •????????? by Yoshimoto•?????? by Hachi Fujiko•??????? by Yumino Tamami•?????GO?? by SASAKI Ima•????????? by Satomaru Mami•????????? by Katou Mu•???????? by Ichikawa Kokoro•??? by Katashina •????????? by Emao •???????????????? by Mamemu •???????????? by Mitsui Tsubaki •????????????????????? by Purugaria •??????? by Chiba •?????????????? by SOUTOME Emu•??????? by Itoi Shigeru •?????????? by Matsumoto Noda